5 Effective Ways to Create a Brand Around Your Music
How to create a brand in music

5 Effective Ways to Create a Brand Around Your Music

In the competitive landscape of the music industry, talent alone is no longer enough to ensure success. With thousands of artists vying for attention, establishing a unique and memorable brand is crucial to standing out. Your music is an extension of your identity, and crafting a strong brand around it can be the key to building a loyal fan base and opening doors to new opportunities.

In this article, we will explore five effective ways to create a distinctive brand around your music. Whether you’re an emerging artist looking to make your mark or a seasoned musician aiming to refine your image, these strategies will help you connect with your audience, differentiate yourself from the crowd, and cultivate a brand that resonates deeply with listeners. From defining your core values to crafting a visual identity that complements your sound, let’s delve into the essential steps to establish a compelling brand in today’s music scene.


Pick 1-2 Core Colors

A carefully chosen color palette is a foundational element of your music brand’s visual identity. Colors evoke emotions, create associations, and influence how your audience perceives your brand. Here’s how to effectively choose and incorporate 1-2 core colors into your music branding strategy:


1. Understand Color Psychology:

  • Colors convey specific emotions and messages. For instance:
    • Red: Energy, passion, excitement, intensity.
    • Blue: Trust, calmness, professionalism, reliability.
    • Yellow: Optimism, positivity, creativity, warmth.
    • Green: Nature, growth, health, tranquility.
    • Purple: Luxury, mystery, spirituality, creativity.
  • Consider the emotional tone of your music and align your color choices accordingly.


2. Reflect Your Music Genre and Style:

  • Different genres often have distinct visual styles:
    • Rock/Metal: Darker tones like black, red, or deep purple.
    • Pop: Bright, vibrant colors like pink, yellow, or turquoise.
    • Country/Folk: Earthy hues like brown, green, or gold.
    • Electronic/EDM: Neon and metallic shades like electric blue or fluorescent green.
  • Analyze the common visual themes of your genre while finding a unique color scheme that complements your music style.


3. Create Consistency Across Platforms:

  • Use your core colors consistently in album artwork, logos, social media graphics, merchandise, and live performances.
  • Consistent use helps establish a strong visual identity that fans can easily recognize, enhancing your brand’s memorability.


4. Design a Color Palette:

  • Select 1-2 dominant colors that represent your brand’s core identity.
  • Add complementary secondary colors and neutral tones to balance your palette.
  • Use tools like Adobe Color, Coolors, or Canva to experiment with different color combinations and find the perfect fit.


5. Apply in Logo and Visual Assets:

  • Incorporate your core colors into your logo design, ensuring it’s simple yet distinctive.
  • Extend the use of your chosen colors to website design, press kits, social media banners, and other digital assets.


6. Merchandise and Stage Presence:

  • Design merchandise like t-shirts, hats, and posters using your core color scheme.
  • Coordinate your stage outfits and visual elements like lighting and backdrops to reinforce your brand colors during live performances.


7. Update and Evolve:

  • As your music evolves, your brand colors might need slight adjustments. Stay consistent, but don’t be afraid to refresh your color scheme to reflect changes in your sound or image.

Selecting and sticking to 1-2 core colors is a simple yet powerful way to create a cohesive and recognizable brand identity. By leveraging color psychology and aligning your choices with your musical genre and style, you can effectively convey the essence of your music visually, making your brand memorable and relatable.


Pick a Symbol

A well-designed symbol is a visual shorthand for your music brand, providing instant recognition and association for your audience. Choosing the right symbol involves understanding your brand identity, musical style, and the message you want to convey. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to pick and utilize a symbol for your music branding:


1. Understand the Importance of Symbols:

  • Symbols offer a concise representation of your brand and music.
  • They transcend language barriers, making your brand recognizable across diverse audiences.
  • Symbols often become synonymous with artists, like the Rolling Stones’ iconic tongue logo or Prince’s “Love Symbol.”


2. Define Your Brand Identity and Message:

  • Clearly understand your brand’s core values, mission, and personality.
  • Reflect on the emotions and themes your music conveys: rebellion, love, freedom, mystery, etc.
  • Think about how you want your audience to perceive you through this symbol.


3. Draw Inspiration from Your Music and Genre:

  • Different genres have distinct visual styles:
    • Rock/Metal: Skulls, flames, and gothic motifs.
    • Pop: Hearts, stars, and playful shapes.
    • Country/Folk: Nature elements like trees, horseshoes, or guitars.
    • Electronic/EDM: Abstract, futuristic shapes, or digital motifs.
  • Align your symbol with the imagery associated with your genre, but give it a unique twist.


4. Craft a Unique and Memorable Design:

  • Aim for simplicity and clarity. Complex symbols can become unrecognizable at smaller sizes.
  • Ensure it’s distinctive and doesn’t resemble other artists’ logos.
  • Test different designs to see which one resonates best with your audience.


5. Choose Between Literal and Abstract Symbols:

  • Literal Symbols: Directly represent something related to your music, like a guitar, microphone, or specific genre imagery.
  • Abstract Symbols: Use shapes or patterns that evoke certain feelings or concepts without being directly tied to an object.
  • Examples include:
    • Literal: Queen’s heraldic crest, featuring the zodiac signs of the band members.
    • Abstract: David Bowie’s lightning bolt, represents energy and innovation.


6. Incorporate Initials or Words:

  • Consider integrating your initials, band name, or album title into the symbol.
  • Use distinctive typography that aligns with your brand style.
  • This works particularly well for artist initials, like Kanye West’s “Yeezy” logo or AC/DC’s lightning bolt emblem.


7. Ensure Scalability and Versatility:

  • Your symbol should look good in various sizes and contexts, from social media icons to large-stage backdrops.
  • Test its visibility in black and white, grayscale, and different color combinations.


8. Utilize Across All Branding Elements:

  • Apply the symbol consistently in your branding materials:
    • Album Artwork: Feature it prominently on album and single covers.
    • Merchandise: Print it on t-shirts, posters, hats, and other items.
    • Social Media: Use it in profile pictures, banners, and promotional graphics.
    • Live Performances: Incorporate it into stage visuals, lighting, and backdrops.
    • Videos: Make it a recurring motif in music videos and lyric visuals.


9. Protect Your Symbol:

  • Once you have a distinctive symbol, consider trademarking it to prevent unauthorized use.
  • This step can safeguard your brand and ensure your symbol remains uniquely yours.


A well-chosen symbol can elevate your music brand, providing instant recognition and deepening your connection with your audience. By carefully crafting a unique and memorable design that reflects your identity and resonates with listeners, you can create a visual anchor for your brand that endures through changes in music trends and industry landscapes.


Pick a Theme/Motif

A consistent theme or motif weaves a cohesive thread through your entire brand, giving your audience a deeper understanding of your artistic vision and message. Whether it’s a concept album or a recurring visual style, themes help tie your music, imagery, and identity together. Here’s how to effectively pick a theme or motif to define your music brand:


1. Define the Core Message or Story:

  • Understand the overarching message or story your music conveys.
  • Reflect on common lyrical themes, emotional undertones, or personal experiences in your songs.
  • For instance, Taylor Swift often weaves love, heartbreak, and self-discovery into her themes, while Lana Del Rey focuses on nostalgia and melancholy.


2. Draw Inspiration from Your Music Genre:

  • Different genres often carry specific thematic styles:
    • Rock/Metal: Rebellion, darkness, and fantasy.
    • Pop: Love, empowerment, and optimism.
    • Hip-Hop/Rap: Street life, struggle, and success.
    • Country/Folk: Americana, storytelling, and nature.
  • Incorporate familiar genre motifs but with a personalized spin that aligns with your unique style.


3. Explore Recurring Visual Motifs:

  • A motif can be a recurring visual element or symbol that appears across your branding.
  • Examples include:
    • Nature Elements: Birds, flowers, or landscapes to represent freedom or tranquility.
    • Urban Imagery: Graffiti, cityscapes, or street art to convey gritty realism or urban energy.
    • Surreal Imagery: Abstract shapes, cosmic visuals, or fantasy worlds for an otherworldly vibe.
  • Align these visual motifs with your chosen theme for a consistent look.


4. Incorporate into Album Artwork and Music Videos:

  • Craft album covers that visually embody your theme, using colors, imagery, and typography that resonate with your brand.
  • Design music videos and lyric visuals to feature your theme or motif prominently.
  • Beyoncé’s Lemonade and Kendrick Lamar’s DAMN. albums are perfect examples of cohesive themes reflected in their visuals.


5. Apply to Live Performances:

  • Design stage visuals, lighting, and backdrops to align with your chosen theme.
  • Outfits, props, and stage movement can further reinforce the motif.
  • Artists like Billie Eilish and The Weeknd create immersive live experiences by integrating their themes into every aspect of their performances.


6. Use Across Merchandise and Marketing:

  • Design merchandise like clothing, posters, or accessories that incorporate your motif.
  • Create social media content and press kits that consistently use your theme’s visual style.
  • Develop marketing campaigns that align with your brand story.


7. Evolve the Theme with Each Project:

  • As your music evolves, so should your brand theme.
  • Consider refreshing your motif to reflect new albums or musical directions.
  • However, maintain a consistent core style that ties all your projects together.


8. Build a Narrative Around the Theme:

  • Create a compelling narrative that ties your theme to your personal story or artistic journey.
  • Share behind-the-scenes insights, concept explanations, or stories that illustrate your motif.
  • This deepens audience engagement and makes them feel more connected to your brand.


Choosing a theme or motif for your music brand adds depth and cohesion to your artistic identity. By carefully defining a narrative, incorporating recurring visual elements, and consistently applying them across all branding materials, you create a memorable and recognizable brand that resonates deeply with your audience. Whether it’s a concept album, a series of music videos, or a distinctive stage presence, a well-chosen theme can significantly elevate your music branding.


Clarify How You Want Your Audience to Feel

The emotions your music evokes in listeners are central to your brand identity. Clarifying how you want your audience to feel allows you to build a cohesive brand narrative that resonates deeply with your listeners, helping them connect with your music on a personal level. Here’s how to refine and integrate this emotional message into your branding:


1. Identify Core Emotions in Your Music:

  • Listen to your songs and lyrics to understand the primary emotions they convey:
    • Joy and Celebration: Upbeat rhythms, positive lyrics, and high-energy melodies.
    • Nostalgia and Melancholy: Reflective lyrics, slower tempos, and sentimental tones.
    • Empowerment and Confidence: Uplifting lyrics, bold rhythms, and strong vocals.
    • Intimacy and Vulnerability: Soft melodies, personal lyrics, and gentle instrumentation.
  • Create a list of 2-3 core emotions that are consistent across your music.


2. Consider Your Musical Influences and Genre:

  • Different genres evoke different feelings:
    • Pop: Happiness, excitement, and romance.
    • Rock: Rebellion, angst, and energy.
    • Hip-Hop: Resilience, ambition, and empowerment.
    • Electronic/EDM: Euphoria, thrill, and unity.
    • Country/Folk: Sentimentality, storytelling, and warmth.
  • Align the emotions you want to convey with the general feeling of your genre while adding your personal touch.


3. Craft an Emotional Narrative:

  • Build a story around the emotions your brand aims to evoke.
  • For example:
    • Taylor Swift: Tells stories of love, heartbreak, and personal growth.
    • Lizzo: Promotes body positivity, self-love, and empowerment.
    • The Weeknd: Explores themes of love, heartbreak, and excess in a dark, cinematic style.
  • Your narrative should reflect personal experiences, artistic journey, or societal issues.


4. Align Visual Identity with Desired Emotions:

  • Use your core colors, symbols, and motifs to visually represent the emotions you aim to evoke.
  • Examples:
    • Joy and Celebration: Bright colors, playful typography, and lively imagery.
    • Nostalgia and Melancholy: Muted or pastel tones, vintage aesthetics, and reflective imagery.
    • Empowerment and Confidence: Bold colors, sharp lines, and powerful imagery.
    • Intimacy and Vulnerability: Soft colors, delicate lines, and personal imagery.


5. Craft Lyrics and Messaging:

  • Write lyrics and social media posts that reinforce your emotional message.
  • Examples:
    • Empowerment: Share affirmations, motivational quotes, and stories of overcoming challenges.
    • Intimacy: Reveal personal stories, thoughts, and emotions that reflect your vulnerability.
    • Joy: Post lighthearted, fun content that aligns with your upbeat brand.


6. Create a Consistent Emotional Tone Across All Channels:

  • Ensure that the emotions conveyed in your music are consistent across your branding materials:
    • Album Artwork: Use visuals that reflect the album’s emotional tone.
    • Music Videos: Develop narratives that emphasize the feelings behind your songs.
    • Live Performances: Engage your audience with stage visuals, lighting, and banter that align with your emotional narrative.
    • Social Media: Maintain a consistent tone in your captions, stories, and promotional materials.


7. Engage and Evoke Emotion in Your Audience:

  • Encourage your audience to share how your music makes them feel.
  • Create challenges, polls, or posts that prompt emotional engagement.
  • Share fan stories and reactions to strengthen the emotional bond with your audience.


Clarifying how you want your audience to feel ensures that your brand narrative resonates consistently across your music, visuals, and messaging. By building an emotional narrative, aligning your visual identity, and creating a consistent tone, you can forge a strong, authentic connection with your listeners that reinforces your brand and makes it memorable.


Understand That You Have a Personal Brand

In the music industry, your personal brand extends beyond the music itself. It encompasses your values, personality, and the way you present yourself to the world. Understanding and leveraging your personal brand is crucial for creating a lasting impression and building a loyal fan base. Here’s how to recognize, shape, and utilize your personal brand effectively:


1. Recognize Your Unique Identity:

  • Core Values and Beliefs:
    • Identify the values and beliefs that drive you as an artist.
    • Reflect these principles consistently in your messaging and actions.
  • Personality Traits:
    • Consider the characteristics that make you unique, such as humor, empathy, or determination.
    • Showcase these traits in your interactions, both online and offline.
  • Musical Identity:
    • Your sound, style, and genre contribute significantly to your personal brand.
    • Stay consistent with your musical identity while allowing room for growth.


2. Tell Your Story:

  • Share the personal journey that shaped you as an artist:
    • Background and Influences: Describe your upbringing, inspirations, and musical influences.
    • Struggles and Successes: Be open about challenges faced and how you overcame them.
    • Vision and Ambition: Highlight your goals, aspirations, and the impact you aim to make through your music.


3. Maintain Authenticity:

  • Authenticity builds trust and loyalty among your audience.
  • Avoid crafting a persona that doesn’t align with your true self.
  • Embrace your imperfections and be open about your journey, both personal and professional.


4. Develop a Consistent Voice and Tone:

  • Your voice and tone should be consistent across all platforms:
    • Social Media: Use a tone that aligns with your personality, whether it’s playful, informative, or introspective.
    • Interviews and Press Releases: Convey your message clearly and consistently, reflecting your values and brand identity.
    • Songwriting and Lyrics: Craft lyrics that stay true to your unique perspective and storytelling style.


5. Craft a Visual Identity that Reflects You:

  • Style and Wardrobe:
    • Develop a personal style that resonates with your brand (e.g., edgy, vintage, sophisticated).
    • Your wardrobe for public appearances and performances should complement this style.
  • Photography and Imagery:
    • Use photos, album covers, and promotional visuals that reflect your personal brand’s vibe.
  • Logo and Symbol:
    • If your brand has a logo or symbol, incorporate it consistently in your visual materials.


6. Engage with Your Audience:

  • Build a genuine connection by sharing insights into your personal life and creative process.
  • Respond to fan messages, comments, and stories to foster a sense of community.
  • Create content like Q&A sessions, behind-the-scenes footage, or personal anecdotes to strengthen the bond with your audience.


7. Expand Your Brand Beyond Music:

  • Use your personal brand to explore opportunities in other fields like fashion, film, or social causes.
  • Collaborate with brands, influencers, and creators that align with your values and aesthetic.
  • For instance, Pharrell Williams expanded his brand into fashion with Billionaire Boys Club, while Lady Gaga launched her cosmetics line, Haus Laboratories.


8. Monitor and Evolve Your Brand:

  • Regularly assess your brand to ensure it aligns with your evolving identity and music.
  • Seek feedback from trusted friends, industry professionals, or fans to refine your branding.
  • Allow your brand to grow naturally as you explore new musical directions or personal changes.


Understanding that you have a personal brand is key to creating a consistent, authentic image that resonates with your audience. By recognizing your unique identity, sharing your story, and maintaining authenticity, you can build a brand that extends beyond your music and leaves a lasting impact. Engage with your audience, explore new opportunities, and let your brand evolve to reflect your artistic journey.



Creating a compelling brand around your music is crucial for distinguishing yourself in today’s competitive music industry. By strategically picking 1-2 core colors, choosing a memorable symbol, establishing a cohesive theme or motif, clarifying how you want your audience to feel, and understanding your personal brand, you can craft an identity that resonates deeply with your listeners.

Your brand isn’t just a logo or a catchy tagline; it’s the story you tell, the emotions you evoke, and the connection you create with your audience. It’s about consistency, authenticity, and staying true to your core values and musical vision. Your brand helps shape how people perceive you as an artist and influences their loyalty to your music.

Whether you’re a rising star or an established musician, building a recognizable and relatable brand will open doors to new opportunities and foster a community of dedicated fans. By combining visual elements, personal narratives, and consistent messaging, you can create a distinctive brand that amplifies your music and leaves a lasting impression in the hearts and minds of your audience.

Now is the time to take these strategies and build a brand that not only reflects your music but also connects with listeners on a personal and emotional level. So, embrace your identity, tell your story, and let your brand amplify your artistry to new heights.


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Mp3 Unlimited

License Terms

Unlimited License Agreement

This License agreement is made on _____ (“Effective Date”) by and between _____ (“Licensee”) and Thomas Hodek (Tellingbeatzz) (“Licensor”). Licensor warrants that it controls the mechanical rights in and to the musical work named "_____" (“Instrumental”) being sold to Licensee as of and prior to the Effective Date. The Licensee and Licensor have agreed to the following terms:

Master Use

The Licensor hereby grants to Licensee a non-exclusive License to record vocal synchronization to the Instrumental partly or in its entirety and substantially in its original form for the specific use of manufacturing, distributing, and selling records embodying the Instrumental. The Licensor also grants the right to use the name of the producer (Tellingbeatzz) in connection with the advertising, publicizing or sale of records manufactured, distributed, and sold. Licensee shall have the right to alter, adapt, change, or remix the Instrumental. Any rights not specifically granted and set forth in this license are hereby reserved by the producer.


The Licensor maintains 100% full rights (copyright, publishing, and ownership) of the Instrumental, and can continue to sell it non-exclusively and/or exclusively. The Licensee has neither the right nor authority to sell or license the rights to the Instrumental whether in whole or part to any other party. In the event another party purchases exclusive rights to the Instrumental from the Licensor, the Licensee will retain non-exclusive rights under the limitations listed in this agreement until these terms have been fulfilled.

Mechanical Rights

The Licensor hereby grants to Licensee a non-exclusive License to use Master Recording in the reproduction, duplication, manufacture, and distribution of phonograph records, cassette tapes, compact disks, internet downloads, other and miscellaneous audio and digital recordings, and any lifts and versions thereof (collectively,” Recordings”) worldwide for up to the pressing or selling unlimited copies of such Recordings or any combination of such Recordings.

Publishing and Royalties

The Licensor shall retain 100% of the Publishing of the Instrumental. The Licensee is entitled to keep 100% of all royalties that are generated from sales of the Master Recording on digital retailers (such as iTunes), through physical sales (such as Compact Disks), and through online streaming services (such as Spotify). However, if the licensee would optionally like to share royalties with the Licensor, the Licensor's PRO information is listed below for convenience. PRO Information: PRO: GEMA (Germany) Name: Thomas Hodek Composer: Tellingbeatzz CAW / IPI No: 716014087


The Licensee is entitled to an unlimited amount of monetized audio streams (on all streaming platforms such as Spotify) and unlimited monetized video streams (on all platforms supporting video such as Youtube) for the song(s) created with the Instrumental. All streaming royalties generated by the Licensee's song(s) belong to the Licensee.

YouTube Policy (Content ID)

The Licensor maintains the unlimited, worldwide rights to register the Instrumental with a Content ID program/institution such as Airbit.com, etc., and be the sole administrator of YouTube rights using such a Content ID program. This is necessary and entitles Licensor to maintain the administrative and legislative rights to the Instrumental. What Content ID does is scan youtube videos for audio material produced by Thomas Hodek (Tellingbeatzz) and automatically sends a copyright claim, which blocks videos from monetization temporarily. The video will keep playing without any other limitations. To remove such a claim, all licensees must open a Content ID dispute including the order number, PayPal transaction ID, Stripe transaction ID, or the email address used for purchase. It is recommended to dispute within the first 5 days of receiving the claim. Official Google article: Monetization during Content ID disputes

Performance Right

The Licensor hereby grants to Licensee a non-exclusive License to use the Master Recording in unlimited paid performances and unlimited non-profit performances, shows, or concerts.

Music Videos

The Licensor hereby grants to Licensee a non-exclusive License to use the Master Recording in unlimited music videos.

Synchronization Rights

The Licensor hereby grants to Licensee a non-exclusive License to copy, perform, edit, and/or loop portions of, record on film, video, digital animations, and video games (collectively, “Projects”) and use the Master Recording in synchronization or timed relation with the productions in unlimited Projects.

Broadcast Rights

The Licensor hereby grants to Licensee a non-exclusive license to broadcast or air the Master Recording on unlimited radio stations or through unlimited station channels, respectively.


Licensee shall give the producer appropriate production and songwriting credit on all compact discs, record and cassette labels or any other record configuration manufactured which is now known or created in the future that embodies the Instrumental created hereunder and on all cover liner notes. Such credit shall be in the substantial form: "Produced by Tellingbeatzz"


The Licensee agrees that the Instrumental is purchased as a “Work Made for Hire” whereby the clearing of any sampled materials is the responsibility of the Licensee.


Licensee agrees to indemnify and hold Licensor harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, damages, costs, and expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees, arising out of or resulting from a claimed breach of any of the Licensee’s representations, warranties or agreements hereunder.


This License is non-transferable and is limited to the Instrumental specified, constitutes the entire agreement between the Licensor and the Licensee relating to the Instrumental, and shall be binding upon both Licensor and Licensee and their respective successors, assigns, and legal representatives. The Licensee shall provide the Producer with one (1) digital copy of the completed record within thirty (30) days after the release of any record embodying the masters via email to info@tellingbeatzz.com


All sounds, drums, and vocals included are the property of the licensor and cannot be used for any purpose other than as described in this agreement. The audio content cannot be used to create any of the following derivative works: instrumentals for sale, loop packs, vst instruments, or any other competitive product. The audio content cannot be shared with anyone unless they are directly involved in the Master recording (audio engineer, featured artist, musician, etc.). Any Master recording that is found in violation of these restrictions may be subject to termination of its commercial rights without refund. In addition, the Master recording may be subject to removal from all third-party distributors with the assistance of copyright infringement enforcers. Any loss incurred with such removal is not the responsibility of the Licensor. If the licensee is unsure of the details of the commercial rights, the licensee must contact the licensor for assistance in clarifying any of these restrictions.

Governing Law

This License is governed by and shall be construed under the laws of the Licensor’s resident country, without regard to the conflicts of laws and principles thereof. By receiving this contract via email, you automatically agree to the terms stated above and gain non-exclusive rights to the Instrumental.

Wav Unlimited

License Terms

Unlimited License Agreement

This License agreement is made on _____ (“Effective Date”) by and between _____ (“Licensee”) and Thomas Hodek (Tellingbeatzz) (“Licensor”). Licensor warrants that it controls the mechanical rights in and to the musical work named "_____" (“Instrumental”) being sold to Licensee as of and prior to the Effective Date. The Licensee and Licensor have agreed to the following terms:

Master Use

The Licensor hereby grants to Licensee a non-exclusive License to record vocal synchronization to the Instrumental partly or in its entirety and substantially in its original form for the specific use of manufacturing, distributing, and selling records embodying the Instrumental. The Licensor also grants the right to use the name of the producer (Tellingbeatzz) in connection with the advertising, publicizing or sale of records manufactured, distributed, and sold. Licensee shall have the right to alter, adapt, change, or remix the Instrumental. Any rights not specifically granted and set forth in this license are hereby reserved by the producer.


The Licensor maintains 100% full rights (copyright, publishing, and ownership) of the Instrumental, and can continue to sell it non-exclusively and/or exclusively. The Licensee has neither the right nor authority to sell or license the rights to the Instrumental whether in whole or part to any other party. In the event another party purchases exclusive rights to the Instrumental from the Licensor, the Licensee will retain non-exclusive rights under the limitations listed in this agreement until these terms have been fulfilled.

Mechanical Rights

The Licensor hereby grants to Licensee a non-exclusive License to use Master Recording in the reproduction, duplication, manufacture, and distribution of phonograph records, cassette tapes, compact disks, internet downloads, other and miscellaneous audio and digital recordings, and any lifts and versions thereof (collectively,” Recordings”) worldwide for up to the pressing or selling unlimited copies of such Recordings or any combination of such Recordings.

Publishing and Royalties

The Licensor shall retain 100% of the Publishing of the Instrumental. The Licensee is entitled to keep 100% of all royalties that are generated from sales of the Master Recording on digital retailers (such as iTunes), through physical sales (such as Compact Disks), and through online streaming services (such as Spotify). However, if the licensee would optionally like to share royalties with the Licensor, the Licensor's PRO information is listed below for convenience. PRO Information: PRO: GEMA (Germany) Name: Thomas Hodek Composer: Tellingbeatzz CAW / IPI No: 716014087


The Licensee is entitled to an unlimited amount of monetized audio streams (on all streaming platforms such as Spotify) and unlimited monetized video streams (on all platforms supporting video such as Youtube) for the song(s) created with the Instrumental. All streaming royalties generated by the Licensee's song(s) belong to the Licensee.

YouTube Policy (Content ID)

The Licensor maintains the unlimited, worldwide rights to register the Instrumental with a Content ID program/institution such as Airbit.com, etc., and be the sole administrator of YouTube rights using such a Content ID program. This is necessary and entitles Licensor to maintain the administrative and legislative rights to the Instrumental. What Content ID does is scan youtube videos for audio material produced by Thomas Hodek (Tellingbeatzz) and automatically sends a copyright claim, which blocks videos from monetization temporarily. The video will keep playing without any other limitations. To remove such a claim, all licensees must open a Content ID dispute including the order number, PayPal transaction ID, Stripe transaction ID, or the email address used for purchase. It is recommended to dispute within the first 5 days of receiving the claim. Official Google article: Monetization during Content ID disputes

Performance Right

The Licensor hereby grants to Licensee a non-exclusive License to use the Master Recording in unlimited paid performances and unlimited non-profit performances, shows, or concerts.

Music Videos

The Licensor hereby grants to Licensee a non-exclusive License to use the Master Recording in unlimited music videos.

Synchronization Rights

The Licensor hereby grants to Licensee a non-exclusive License to copy, perform, edit, and/or loop portions of, record on film, video, digital animations, and video games (collectively, “Projects”) and use the Master Recording in synchronization or timed relation with the productions in unlimited Projects.

Broadcast Rights

The Licensor hereby grants to Licensee a non-exclusive license to broadcast or air the Master Recording on unlimited radio stations or through unlimited station channels, respectively.


Licensee shall give the producer appropriate production and songwriting credit on all compact discs, record and cassette labels or any other record configuration manufactured which is now known or created in the future that embodies the Instrumental created hereunder and on all cover liner notes. Such credit shall be in the substantial form: "Produced by Tellingbeatzz"


The Licensee agrees that the Instrumental is purchased as a “Work Made for Hire” whereby the clearing of any sampled materials is the responsibility of the Licensee.


Licensee agrees to indemnify and hold Licensor harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, damages, costs, and expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees, arising out of or resulting from a claimed breach of any of the Licensee’s representations, warranties or agreements hereunder.


This License is non-transferable and is limited to the Instrumental specified, constitutes the entire agreement between the Licensor and the Licensee relating to the Instrumental, and shall be binding upon both Licensor and Licensee and their respective successors, assigns, and legal representatives. The Licensee shall provide the Producer with one (1) digital copy of the completed record within thirty (30) days after the release of any record embodying the masters via email to info@tellingbeatzz.com


All sounds, drums, and vocals included are the property of the licensor and cannot be used for any purpose other than as described in this agreement. The audio content cannot be used to create any of the following derivative works: instrumentals for sale, loop packs, vst instruments, or any other competitive product. The audio content cannot be shared with anyone unless they are directly involved in the Master recording (audio engineer, featured artist, musician, etc.). Any Master recording that is found in violation of these restrictions may be subject to termination of its commercial rights without refund. In addition, the Master recording may be subject to removal from all third-party distributors with the assistance of copyright infringement enforcers. Any loss incurred with such removal is not the responsibility of the Licensor. If the licensee is unsure of the details of the commercial rights, the licensee must contact the licensor for assistance in clarifying any of these restrictions.

Governing Law

This License is governed by and shall be construed under the laws of the Licensor’s resident country, without regard to the conflicts of laws and principles thereof. By receiving this contract via email, you automatically agree to the terms stated above and gain non-exclusive rights to the Instrumental.

Trackout Unlimited

WAV, MP3, Trackout
License Terms

Unlimited License Agreement

This License agreement is made on _____ (“Effective Date”) by and between _____ (“Licensee”) and Thomas Hodek (Tellingbeatzz) (“Licensor”). Licensor warrants that it controls the mechanical rights in and to the musical work named "_____" (“Instrumental”) being sold to Licensee as of and prior to the Effective Date. The Licensee and Licensor have agreed to the following terms:

Master Use

The Licensor hereby grants to Licensee a non-exclusive License to record vocal synchronization to the Instrumental partly or in its entirety and substantially in its original form for the specific use of manufacturing, distributing, and selling records embodying the Instrumental. The Licensor also grants the right to use the name of the producer (Tellingbeatzz) in connection with the advertising, publicizing or sale of records manufactured, distributed, and sold. Licensee shall have the right to alter, adapt, change, or remix the Instrumental. Any rights not specifically granted and set forth in this license are hereby reserved by the producer.


The Licensor maintains 100% full rights (copyright, publishing, and ownership) of the Instrumental, and can continue to sell it non-exclusively and/or exclusively. The Licensee has neither the right nor authority to sell or license the rights to the Instrumental whether in whole or part to any other party. In the event another party purchases exclusive rights to the Instrumental from the Licensor, the Licensee will retain non-exclusive rights under the limitations listed in this agreement until these terms have been fulfilled.

Mechanical Rights

The Licensor hereby grants to Licensee a non-exclusive License to use Master Recording in the reproduction, duplication, manufacture, and distribution of phonograph records, cassette tapes, compact disks, internet downloads, other and miscellaneous audio and digital recordings, and any lifts and versions thereof (collectively,” Recordings”) worldwide for up to the pressing or selling unlimited copies of such Recordings or any combination of such Recordings.

Publishing and Royalties

The Licensor shall retain 100% of the Publishing of the Instrumental. The Licensee is entitled to keep 100% of all royalties that are generated from sales of the Master Recording on digital retailers (such as iTunes), through physical sales (such as Compact Disks), and through online streaming services (such as Spotify). However, if the licensee would optionally like to share royalties with the Licensor, the Licensor's PRO information is listed below for convenience. PRO Information: PRO: GEMA (Germany) Name: Thomas Hodek Composer: Tellingbeatzz CAW / IPI No: 716014087


The Licensee is entitled to an unlimited amount of monetized audio streams (on all streaming platforms such as Spotify) and unlimited monetized video streams (on all platforms supporting video such as Youtube) for the song(s) created with the Instrumental. All streaming royalties generated by the Licensee's song(s) belong to the Licensee.

YouTube Policy (Content ID)

The Licensor maintains the unlimited, worldwide rights to register the Instrumental with a Content ID program/institution such as Airbit.com, etc., and be the sole administrator of YouTube rights using such a Content ID program. This is necessary and entitles Licensor to maintain the administrative and legislative rights to the Instrumental. What Content ID does is scan youtube videos for audio material produced by Thomas Hodek (Tellingbeatzz) and automatically sends a copyright claim, which blocks videos from monetization temporarily. The video will keep playing without any other limitations. To remove such a claim, all licensees must open a Content ID dispute including the order number, PayPal transaction ID, Stripe transaction ID, or the email address used for purchase. It is recommended to dispute within the first 5 days of receiving the claim. Official Google article: Monetization during Content ID disputes

Performance Right

The Licensor hereby grants to Licensee a non-exclusive License to use the Master Recording in unlimited paid performances and unlimited non-profit performances, shows, or concerts.

Music Videos

The Licensor hereby grants to Licensee a non-exclusive License to use the Master Recording in unlimited music videos.

Synchronization Rights

The Licensor hereby grants to Licensee a non-exclusive License to copy, perform, edit, and/or loop portions of, record on film, video, digital animations, and video games (collectively, “Projects”) and use the Master Recording in synchronization or timed relation with the productions in unlimited Projects.

Broadcast Rights

The Licensor hereby grants to Licensee a non-exclusive license to broadcast or air the Master Recording on unlimited radio stations or through unlimited station channels, respectively.


Licensee shall give the producer appropriate production and songwriting credit on all compact discs, record and cassette labels or any other record configuration manufactured which is now known or created in the future that embodies the Instrumental created hereunder and on all cover liner notes. Such credit shall be in the substantial form: "Produced by Tellingbeatzz"


The Licensee agrees that the Instrumental is purchased as a “Work Made for Hire” whereby the clearing of any sampled materials is the responsibility of the Licensee.


Licensee agrees to indemnify and hold Licensor harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, damages, costs, and expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees, arising out of or resulting from a claimed breach of any of the Licensee’s representations, warranties or agreements hereunder.


This License is non-transferable and is limited to the Instrumental specified, constitutes the entire agreement between the Licensor and the Licensee relating to the Instrumental, and shall be binding upon both Licensor and Licensee and their respective successors, assigns, and legal representatives. The Licensee shall provide the Producer with one (1) digital copy of the completed record within thirty (30) days after the release of any record embodying the masters via email to info@tellingbeatzz.com


All sounds, drums, and vocals included are the property of the licensor and cannot be used for any purpose other than as described in this agreement. The audio content cannot be used to create any of the following derivative works: instrumentals for sale, loop packs, vst instruments, or any other competitive product. The audio content cannot be shared with anyone unless they are directly involved in the Master recording (audio engineer, featured artist, musician, etc.). Any Master recording that is found in violation of these restrictions may be subject to termination of its commercial rights without refund. In addition, the Master recording may be subject to removal from all third-party distributors with the assistance of copyright infringement enforcers. Any loss incurred with such removal is not the responsibility of the Licensor. If the licensee is unsure of the details of the commercial rights, the licensee must contact the licensor for assistance in clarifying any of these restrictions.

Governing Law

This License is governed by and shall be construed under the laws of the Licensor’s resident country, without regard to the conflicts of laws and principles thereof. By receiving this contract via email, you automatically agree to the terms stated above and gain non-exclusive rights to the Instrumental.


WAV, MP3, Trackout
License Terms

THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT is made on 7th June 2024 ("Effective Date") by and between Licensee(hereinafter referred to as the "Licensee") also, if applicable, professionally known as Licensee, residing at [N/A] and Thomas Hodek. (hereinafter referred to as the "Licensor"). Licensor warrants that it controls the mechanical rights in and to the copyrighted musical work entitled "BEAT NAME("Composition") as of and prior to the date first written above. The Composition, including the music thereof, was composed by Thomas Hodek ("Songwriter") managed under the Licensor.

All licenses are non-refundable and non-transferable.

Master Use.

The Licensor hereby grants to Licensee an exclusive license (this "License) to record vocal synchronization to the Composition partly or in its entirety and substantially in its original form ("Master Recording“).

Mechanical Rights. 

The Licensor hereby grants to Licensee an exclusive license to use Master Recording in the reproduction, duplication, manufacture, and distribution of phonograph records, cassette tapes, compact disk, digital downloads, other miscellaneous audio and digital recordings, and any lifts and versions thereof (collectively, the "Recordings", and individually, a "Recordings") worldwide for unlimited copies of such Recordings or any combination of such Recordings, condition upon the payment to the Licensor a sum of Varies US Dollars ($Varies), receipt of which is confirmed. Additionally licensee shall be permitted to distribute unlimited internet downloads for non-profit and non-commercial use. 

Performance Rights. 

The Licensor here by grants to Licensee an exclusive license to use the Master Recording in unlimited for- profit performances, shows, or concerts.

Broadcast Rights. 

The Licensor hereby grants to Licensee an exclusive license to broadcast or air the Master Recording in unlimited amounts of radio stations. 


Licensee shall acknowledge the original authorship of the Composition appropriately and reasonably in all media and performance formats under the name "Thomas Hodek" in writing where possible and vocally otherwise. 


Licensee may exploit and monetize from licensee's unique derived work(s) of composition for use on TV, Film, Video game or other synchronous projects. Licensee may represent other publishing owners of the original composition for exploitation and have full authority of granting non-exclusive license for synchronization use as long as credit and publishing information is provided to such agency. 


In consideration for the rights granted under this agreement, Licensee shall pay to licensor the sum of Varies US dollars ($Varies) and other good and valuable consideration, payable to "Thomas Hodek", receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. If the Licensee fails to account to the Licensor, timely complete the payments provided for hereunder, or perform its other obligations hereunder, including having insufficient bank balance, the licensor shall have the right to terminate License upon written notice to the Licensee. Such termination shall render the recording, manufacture and/or distribution of Recordings for which monies have not been paid subject to and actionable infringements under applicable law, including, without limitation, the United States Copyright Act, as amended. 


Accordingly, Licensee agrees to indemnify and hold Licensor harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, damages, costs, expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable attorney's fees, arising of or resulting from a claimed breach of any of Licensee's representations, warranties or agreements hereunder.

Audio Samples. 

3rd party sample clearance is the responsibility of the licensee.


This license is non-transferable and is limited to the Composition specified above.

Governing Law.

This License is governed by and shall be construed under the law of the Bayern DE, without regard to the conflicts of laws principles thereof. 

Licensee, owns 50% of publishing rights.Tellingbeatzz (GEMA), owns 50% of publishing rights - Licensee, owns 50% of publishing rights.Tellingbeatzz (GEMA), owns 50% of publishing rights