Becoming a rap artist is one of the most competitive industries that you could choose as a career.
However, if you can break through the mold and differentiate yourself, then there’s no more rewarding industry to be in.
The importance of building your fan base can’t be overstated. They’re the ones that will be with you and watch your career grow right in front of their eyes… they’ll be your day one’s; your ride-or-die’s.
Building that fan base takes time, so be prepared for the long haul. Here’s how to build a fanbase as an up-and-coming rap artist to take your game to the next level!
Every great rap artist has a brand that they push out to the world. It influences the music they make, the theatrics they put on, and more importantly, it builds their fanbase.
The brand can be anything you want, but make sure it’s a persona that you’re willing to use for your entire rapping career.
Take Eminem for example. His brand is associated with a pissed off persona and each song of his has heavy lyrics to support that brand.
Because of that, people relate with his songs and have become loyal fans for every song and album that he pushes out. Not only that, but his fans are ready to fight for him in any situation, such as his dispute with Machine Gun Kelly a year ago.
All this to say that you should build a rapper persona that will influence your music, social media, and everything else.
One of the best things about the rap industry is that, while you’re all trying to make it to the top, you’re all in this together.
If other rappers do well and grow the rapping genre, then that means more potential fans for you and vice versa!
Because of that, it’s important to show other rappers as much support as you possibly can. They’ll more than likely return the favor, which will grow your stock in their fan’s eyes.
Show support to rappers of all kinds: up-and-comers, celebrities, rappers with a different vibe than your music, etc.
Do things such as attend other rappers’ events, promote their music, purchase their albums, mentoring them, etc.
What’s the best way to get as many fans as you possibly can? Easy, get in front of as many people as you possibly can.
Not everyone will like your style or your music, so getting in front of more people means a higher likelihood of your fanbase growing.
Luckily for you, you have more ways to do that than ever before.
Attend and perform at as many events as possible, be active on social media, collaborate with other artists, be a guest on podcasts, etc.
Fans love and appreciate the rappers that grind it out to build their career. The ones that are always focused on building their reputation are the ones that make it big.
YouTube is one of the best resources that a music artist of any genre has at their disposal.
If you’re a rapper and you’re trying to push out a song or two, then creating music videos and placing them on YouTube is a must.
However, make sure to take your time and do it the right way. Make high-quality videos and ensure that your song’s sound resolution is perfect.
The amount of music artists that became famous online is incredible. Artists such as Shawn Mendes, Alessia Cara, The Weeknd, and even Justin Bieber blew up after YouTube videos went viral.
Show off your talents. Use the videos to show what makes you unique. For example, if you pride yourself on rapping really fast, record videos of your speedy freestyling. Those are the types of videos that spread like wildfire.
Those that become your loyal fans want to be with you every step of the way. They see something that makes you special and wants to be proven right about you.
Don’t treat your fans as fans, treat them as your best friends. Update them on every step of your career such as gigs you’re doing, songs you’re writing, where you are, next career steps, etc.
Share your ultimate goal(s) with them on social media. They’ll admire your vision and help you get there!
As a rap artist, no one else is going to vouge for you better than doing it yourself.
This takes time and effort on your part, but it also takes a financial dedication to online advertising, buying merchandise to give out, etc. Use social media often, book as many gigs as possible, be open to traveling.
It will be a grind and you’ll have to wake up every day ready to push your stuff, but all the hard work will be worth it in the end!
The main thing to remember on how to build a fanbase as a rapper is to never stop grinding.
one day you’ll be paid to pursue and grow your passion, with thousands if not millions of fans screaming your name… what’s a little sacrifice in the face of that?
Be sure to read this article on the top sites to promote your music online. There you’ll find more information on growing your music and reaching more potential fans.
For more inquiries, please feel free to reach out to us via our contact us page and we’ll be happy to assist you further!
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